
Showing posts from September, 2018

Young Goodman Brown Recap

Dr Preston read a part of the story because we needed him to break the story down into pieces to understand it better. From what I understood about this new section was that the devil began to walk with brown but he began to not want to continue walking but still he kept walking him and for him to realize that the devil was not lying to him the devil brought people that were meant to be good to him and be a role model to the good and once he found out he no longer believed in heaven and was disappointed and when he woke up he didn’t know who to trust even the people he thought were good because he lives in that fear because of the things he saw in his dreams.

The right to your opinion

From the article of the right to your opinion I think that we have to look at everyone’s opinion but instead of judging them explain your reason amd perspective on why you think the way you think because dr Preston said that “ everyone is entitled to their own opinion” which means that no one has the right to stop you from thinking and saying what you want. I believe in this because everyone has a voice and should be able to speak their mind freely without having to be judged or have to be forced into believing in something that they don’t believe is true.

Young Goodman Brown Vocab

Aquaintance- A persons knowledge Dusk- The darker stage of twilight Exhorted- Strongly encourage Fervid- Intensly enthusiastic or passionate Serman- A talk on religious or moral subject Zenith - The time at which something is most powerful or successful Blasphemer- Someone who claims to be god Pious- Devoutly religious Ecclesiastical- Relating to the Christian church or its clergy Anoint- Smear or rub oil, part of religious ceremony Eloquence- Fluent or persuasive speaking or writing Hoary- Grayish white Fermament- the sky Anathema- dispicable Beniguantly- kindly Loathful- hateful

Today I learned

Today I learned that the more I want to talk about something with someone that I can’t get off my chest is that when I write it down in my journal it feels as if I’m speaking to it and it helps me let it out for example when I wrote today in my  journal about a teacher named ms Boyle I was so anxious to write about it because I wasn’t able to tell her that because she didn’t let me and after I wrote it down it helped me cope with the situation.

Richard Cory

 The first time that we read the poem I was confused on why Richard Cory shot himself and as I was memorizing the poem I began to analyze it and understand it better. What what caught my attention the most was that he fluttered pulses when he said good morning and that he was richer than a king and it made more sense because he had it all the things that people wish they could have but I realized that he wasn’t happy deep down inside and that happiness is more important than materialistic things and that’s how I got to the conclusion on why Richard Cory shot hinself.

Conscience of a hacker

   In conscience of a hacker the people who hack try and use it in a way that can help themselves and the society because thy can do things on their own way without having to work in a system where they are forced to learn about things that have already been taught before. So they try to look for other ideas because they are advanced. They don’t want to be spoon fed they want to take actions for themselves and not have to be hand help by a teacher like if they were in kindergarten. Not all all teachers are like that there is a small perecentage of teachers that will guide you and help you succeed in what you need and whatever benefits them not the teachers. They also don’t want an identity because they want to be able to think freely and express their own ideas without being labeled.